
admin 技术 2023-12-29 16:27 124


OA意思:办公自动化(英文全称是Office Automation)。




市场上常见的OA办公自动化系统/软件的核心功能有:流程审批、协同工作、公文管理(国企和政府机关)、沟通工具、文档管理、信息中心、计划管理、项目管理、任务管理、会议管理、关联人员、系统集成、门户定制、通讯录、工作便签、问卷调查、常用工具(计算器、万年历等)。OA OA


根据数字化转型网(搜索栏输入:中国数字化转型网,即可了解详情)的资料,OA是企业数字化转型非常重要的一环。数字化转型网有大量的关于OA的资料和方案,比如介绍OA的定义、OA的功能、OA的价值、OA的优秀案例、OA与CRM的区别等等知识,找数字化转型资料上数字化转型网。若您对OA数字化感兴趣,想和更多对企业OA数字化的感兴趣的同道者们进行交流,也可关注第五届华东CIO大会&2023中国数字化转型展,搜索栏输入:华东CIO大会,即可了解报名和参会详情!OA OA



What does OA mean? What are the core functions of OA office automation system/software?

What does OA mean?

OA meaning: Office Automation (English full name is Office Automation).

In short, OA is a new type of office that combines modern office and computer technology. All in the traditional office with a variety of new technologies, new machines, new equipment engaged in office business, all belong to the field of office automation. OA is an application system invented to meet the goals of an organization more efficiently. Since the beginning of modern civilization, with the development of computer science and technology and the development of enterprise organizations, the current OA system software has also been produced.OA OA

2. What are the core functions of OA office automation system/software?

The core functions of common OA office automation systems/software on the market are: Process approval, collaborative work, document management (state-owned enterprises and government agencies), communication tools, document management, information center, plan management, project management, task management, meeting management, associated personnel, system integration, portal customization, address book, work notes, questionnaire survey, common tools (calculator, perpetual calendar, etc.).

Under the subdivision field, the OA platform also has an architecture model based on framework + application component + function customization platform, and the main part is composed of more than 30 subsystems. Including information portal, collaborative work, workflow, form center, document circulation, public information, forum management, questionnaire survey, plan management, conference management, task management, associated projects, associated personnel, document management, external mail, online examination, vehicle management, goods management, equipment management, common tools, processing center, online message, supervision system, SMS Platform, common tools, personnel management, function customization platform, integration platform, system management and other nearly 10,000 function points.OA OA

